Improve Your Health and Fitness- Go Caveman!

I am going to tell you why you need to behave more like a cave man in order to stay healthier and happier. Read on cave people……Over aeons of time, our bodies have adapted to cope with survival in a harsh environment. Although we achieved civilization thousands of years ago, our bodies have not evolved to adapt to this change. If we imagine ourselves back in the distant past we would have eaten less sugar, salt and fat in a year or more than we now eat in a week or less. We would have eaten a diet of meat and fish, mostly vegetable matter, fruit, berries, nuts, seeds and roots. We would only have drunk water, and may have sampled the splendour of honey. Foods would be rich in fibre, some protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals, but low in sugar, salt and saturated fats. We would have been in almost constant motion; playing, working, foraging, preparing food, but rarely staying still. (I think that it is important to remind ourselves that our body is designed to be active, but that we often think of exercise as formal, vigorous, structured pursuits. It can be easy to persuade ourselves that going swimming or playing football twice a week is enough [and so we have an excuse for driving to work and to the local shops]. And although it is great to do these things, we can stay fit and healthy without a gym membership, just by doing everyday movements; walking, cleaning the house, and gardening, and yes I shall say that well-worn phrase- leaving the car at home.)Don’t think that our person from the past would have been feasting on jumbo mammoth steaks Flintstone-style all day long either. Meat may have been in scant supply for much of the time (have you ever tried to catch a rabbit?) and women and children spent a large amount of time foraging for nuts, roots, berries and vegetable matter. Everyone would have been involved in acquiring food, and all methods of obtaining food would have used large amounts of energy; you have to cover wide areas to provide enough food for a family. Even when farming became a way of life huge amounts of energy would have to be invested in producing the fruits, vegetables and animal products. Animals too would have been reared on a diet of more complex foods rather than modern high-energy processed feeds. It is thought that their meat would have been much less rich in saturated fats and so healthier for the people consuming it.Food production would have been part of every day life, unlike today where food arrives pre-packed, smothered in cellophane, produced days, weeks or months ago in a factory hundreds of miles away, glazed with wax, identical in size and colour to its neighbour, lacking any aroma, and likely to be lacking in nutrition. Our imaginary person would have experienced real, largely unprocessed food, and a varied seasonal diet (no strawberries at Christmas for Ms Caveperson). It is likely that they would have a relationship with what they had produced. If you ever grow your own fruit and veg you will understand how exciting it is to watch things grow, then how good it feels to harvest and prepare them. People would have wasted nothing- all parts of every fruit, vegetable or animal would be used for something, almost nothing was unusable; today in the UK one third of our food is thrown away and wasted, out of every 2 bagged salads purchased today, one will go in the bin (sounds familiar?).Another aspect of our imaginary person’s relationship to food is the social aspect. People would have produced and processed the food together, celebrated harvests and abundant times, and eaten together as a family or group. Children would help the adults, and learnt how to grow and prepare food ensuring that they would be able to look after themselves as adults. Meal times may have been the only time when the extended family would be gathered together to swap the day’s news, gossip and stories. This way people eat more slowly, and eat less allowing their body to feel full and satisfied. Food would have produced social bonding and been a central and essential part of social life.Life would have been hard, and still is for many people today who have to provide their own food, and so I don’t want to over-romanticise this imaginary person. However, I think that this person from the past is a useful tool for understanding what our eating and activity profile should be more like if we wish to be healthier and happier. There would have been no slouching on a sofa in front of the TV, no Chicken Dippas, micro-chips, and definitely (and thankfully) no Pringles. Our imaginary person may not even recognise these things as food.Underneath it all we are still cave people, our bodies and brains have evolved to take nutrition from simple whole foods, we thrive on human contact and still feel the need to eat together and share food, and our bodies are healthier if we exercise consistently. We need a diet rich in whole foods, in raw foods, and home cooked foods. We should pick foods which are low in sugar, salt and saturated fat. If you are doubtful about the validity of a food, ask yourself how far-removed it is from its natural state, could you make it yourself, would it have existed a hundred years ago or more? If the answer is no then the chances are that it is not very healthy. We need to explore the excitement of foraging for food, growing it and preparing it, we need to rediscover the simple pleasures of podding peas, chopping fresh herbs, picking blackberries, and making pickles and jams.We can support our ‘tribe’ by walking down to the local fruit and veg shop, and visiting the local butcher or fishmonger, by using our farmers markets, and supporting local growers. (For each £10 spent in the UK £6 goes into the pocket of Mr Tesco*; local shops are closing, and farmers are making little money due to the pressure placed upon them by supermarkets). We need to get back to the camp-fire and share family food times together, making eating a natural and loving social event where family and friends can interact and bond.I am not suggesting that you go out and jump on a rabbit and sink your teeth into it, but try to think about the true importance of good food and exercise, and the way that we can improve our health and fitness, enrich our lives and support our community and the environment at the same time. Take a step back in time this week; walk down to the farmers market or the local shops, buy some local produce, take it home and cook it carefully for some people that you love. Unplug the TV and have a good long dinner by candlelight, taking time to talk and enjoy the food. I guarantee that you will feel healthier and happier, and Mr Tesco is hardly going to starve without you!I hope that this gives you some food for thought,Vikki*Tesco is a vast supermarket chain in the UK.

Wildlife Photography – Improving Your Animal Instincts!

We cover useful and practical easy to apply tips on improving your existing knowledge of outdoor, natural and wildlife photography skills in this special feature on click and shoot creatures for you – so stick around and enhance your sharp shooter skills right here, right now! After all, who knows when the travel bug may bite you next – and you find yourself in the middle of an adventure holiday destination with all the scope of putting together wildlife calendars, post-card materials and even the odd t-shirt print but for the want of matching photography techniques to capture the beauty of these wild beasts!So, to avoid the disappointment of such a frustrating experience and to increase your scope for game-viewing and photography of a wild, untamed and thrilling outdoorsy moment made more memorable for the exciting natural backdrop it can be captured in, take a look at these exclusive wildlife photography tips – and you can bet your next camping trip won’t be the same again, what with so many types of photographs to click!!There is no dearth of the type of outdoor photography you can aspire to choosing to do when out in the wilds: the range of natural, wildlife photography covers the varied purposes of professional photographers and even hobby photographers keen to commit to film and memory their tryst with the wild side of nature e.g. animals in their natural habitat. Some of the types of wildlife photography you can explore when out in the wilds, includes portraits (or head-shots) of animals, close-ups or zoom, focus of profiles, landscape and series photography (sort of like slow motion shots, very interesting, especially when you can capture one of the Big 5 moving in for the kill).The greatest virtue that one needs to develop for perfecting the skills of outdoor, especially wildlife photography is patience; close on the heels of this is the need to work on using various kinds of photography equipment (e.g. light support, tripods, lens change etc.) while atop a tree/vantage point and also keep a cool head.A very challenging and exciting vocation to choose, wildlife photography is fraught with dangers of being in the naked outdoors with little more than a camera to shoot great moments and also risk being exposed to tropical diseases or unfriendly weather conditions if traveling beyond known territories of one’s homeland.You will need to learn how to use a telephoto lens as many a time, an animal will not walk near you and in the beginner stages, a wildlife photographer needs to learn to be comfortable in natural surroundings and not simply be fool-hardy in approaching an animal straight off as this gesture may be misinterpreted as a threat and the animal may attack you.A good way to start on wildlife photography career is to begin with the more accessible animals like bears, fox, elk, wild rabbits etc. while keeping a safe distance as you don’t want to scare them away and yet capture them in their natural habitat.Try using a high speed digital camera so you can assess and store the best shots including the agility of an animal in the wild as well as not miss out on any actions since digicams come equipped with various easy-use features like auto-focus, red-eye elimination and extra zoom etc. and their quick shutter speed helps one to take multiple shots as the animal in focus moves.Learn techniques like panning (following the territory of the animal’s range of movement) outdoor lighting and placement of photography equipment so you can get close and take personal shots of the animals without drawing attention to yourself and always respect jungle laws to stay safe in the wilds.

RV Lifestyle – Are You Dreaming Of Life On The Road?

Have you always dreamt of the RV lifestyle, whether it is as a weekend warrior or fulltimer? If you are seriously considering an RV lifestyle, you should take some time to consider all the factors to make sure it is the route you should take. How will a motor home fit into your current lifestyle? What type of recreational vehicle do you want? How will you finance your motor home and RV lifestyle? What will your life be like once you purchase an RV and begin living your RV lifestyle?What Is Your Lifestyle?One type of RV lifestyle is called fulltiming. Fulltime RVers live 100% of their life on the road in their motor home. They work on the road, and stay at RV parks that allow visitors to stay for a longer period of time. This RV lifestyle may be perfect for you if you are someone who does well with change, and if you are flexible with how you spend your time. Another advantage of this RV lifestyle is that you have the option of doing away with your property taxes and mortgage payments.Many RV owners choose the RV lifestyle of being on the road part-time. These are weekend warriors heading out on weekend excursions, or vacationers. If you have a young family or have a full-time job, this may be the ideal RV lifestyle for you. You have both independence and freedom, but you don’t have to sacrifice your home and job.Choose The Ideal RVOnce you decide the type of lifestyle you want with your motor home, you will have an easier time choosing the type of RV you should purchase. You can choose from fifth wheels, pop-up trailers, coaches, and travel trailers. Most recreational vehicles come with the basic essentials, such as kitchen area, sleeping area, and bathroom facility. You will have to know your budget and decide what extra amenities you may want or need for your new lifestyle on the road. Your motor home size and lifestyle will need to be based on the needs of your family or other RV traveling companions. How long will you be on the road at one time on a consistent basis? How much space do you realistically need?Financing Your RVAlso think about RV financing and where you want to make your RV purchase. Do some research on the internet for additional RVing information and resources on the lifestyle. You will find dealerships online, private sellers, and other financing products to assist you with your purchase. It is important you make a wise financing decision, for this could influence your future lifestyle on the road in a positive or negative way. Be knowledgeable.While RVing isn’t for everyone, many people around the world are enjoying this lifestyle. You can live on the road full-time, part-time, or even rent a motor home for one weekend out of the year. Do some research, and pick the lifestyle that suits you!