5 Benefits of Working From Home and Having a Home Based Business

The trend to home based businesses is really exploding. And, with good reason. The flexibility and profitability of working from home is tremendous. Besides for the fact that you can get up when you want and wear what you want, there are many other advantages to working from home and having a home based business.Benefit #1: Increased ProductivityWorking from home allows you to have more time. More time for work, or hobbies, or your family. It eliminates the commute to work. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, the national average drive-time is 24.3 minutes. Americans spend over 100 hours a year commuting. Working from home not only eliminates the time spent commuting, it also eliminates time in the office spent socializing or leaving to get lunch. This time gained results in more productive hours and few hours spent “working.” Working from home also gives you the freedom to take a break to exercise or do something around the house. You’re home when packages arrive to sign for them. You’re home when the repair man comes and will only give you a four hour window. You are also more available to clients who need to reach you in the evening and on the weekends with a home based business. And, best of all, you’re home for your kids and pets when they need you. According to USA Today, people who work from form report having fewer sick days, improved morale, and improved productivity.Benefit #2: Tax SavingsWorking from home means a home office. A home office means deductible business related expenses such as Internet, phone, office space, subscriptions, and insurance. The IRS allows you to deduct a percent of your mortgage or rent payment, depreciation, property taxes, insurance, and utilities. The percent you may deduct is calculated by the number of rooms or square foot of your home you use for your business. For example, if you use one room of a four bedroom house for your home based business, you can deduct 25% of the homes’ operating expenses. However, this space must be designated specifically for your business on an on-going basis. According to the IRS, in order to deduct something as a business expense the “business expense must be ordinary in your business and necessary for operation.” Ordinary just means an expense that is accepted and common in your business. Necessary means those that are helpful and appropriate to maintain your business. The IRS requires you to separate your personal and business expenses and then only the business expenses can be deducted.Benefit #3: Flexible Hours Who wants a strict 9-5 job? It’s wonderful waking up and starting your day on your own schedule. Time to read the paper, get the kids to school, exercise all before you begin work. You have the flexibility to switch gears when you like. If you can only get a mid day doctor or hair appointment, that’s just fine with a home based business. It provides the flexibility to make it to your childrens’ school events, stay home with a sick child, or work late after the kids are in bed.Benefit #4: More Family TimeOne of the most fulfilling benefits of working from home and having a home based business is the ability to gain control over your life. Parents who work from home report a much higher level of family time and a much lower level of stress. If you chose to quit at 3:00 when the kids come home and work at night after they are in bed, that is now a choice of your own accord. Home based businesses allow for balance and the freedom to take the day off to golf or spend it with your kids without having to check in with someone.Benefit #5: More Profitability You will save money on rent, meals out, gas to commute, and the cost of work clothes. More importantly, instead of having a boss tell you when you have to work, when you can take vacation, when you’ll get a raise or a promotion, you make those decisions yourself. Your advancement and income is directly related to your own productivity. As a result, you’ll likely want to work harder and smarter since you reap the benefits directly.Home based businesses are at the forefront of the biggest business movement right now. Technology is largely responsible for this shift in business. We each have the opportunity, if we chose to seize it, to work from home and have the freedom we all dream of.

Experience Effective WordPress Content Management Through A WordPress Manager

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a system or a program that focused on doing WordPress management? Guess what? There actually is a program just like that and it’s called a WordPress Manager.This creative blog management tool possesses several neat features that can increase both your productivity and efficiency when managing all of your WordPress blogs. First off, this program was designed specifically for blog management, that means that it’s interface is similar to that of a WordPress blog’s admin panel.The major features of this program include domain management, content management, sponsor and media management and a very comprehensive statistics viewer. All of these features help make things easier for you when it comes to do any form of work within your blogs. So whether you’re a blogger that has several or more blogs or you may be an online business owner that runs multiple business and affiliate sites, a WordPress Manager is just the right kind of tool you can use to help you out.To give you a clear idea on just what a WordPress Manager can do, the following is a small description for each of the features that you can find in the program.1. Domain Management – This is the feature that allows you to create and manage all of your blog’s domains and to tweak settings that are related to those domains. Something that you should take note of is that all of the blogs that you create automatically have WordPress installed into them and aside from tweaking domain settings, you can also do blog management.2. Content Management – Only having domain and blog management capabilities is not enough to complete a WordPress Manager. Since this program is about blog management, you will have the capacity to manage the content that goes in to your WordPress blogs. This will allow you to create, upload and distribute all of your content such as articles and blog posts.3. Sponsor and Media Management – Since blogs are being used for business purposes these days, promotion is important. With a WordPress Manager, you are able to access and manage how you promote your sponsors on your site. You can even set up and tweak the links you have on your blogs. Lastly, you can manage the media that you need to use for your sites whether those would be pictures, videos, audio recordings and the like.4. Comprehensive Statistics Viewer – Being able to manage your blogs requires having an excellent way to receiving and reading the data your blogs and sites generate. That’s where this feature comes in. With this feature, you’ll be able to see important stats such as the number of daily clicks to your site, the length of time visitors stay on your site and even the number of sales you made from your sites. This feature makes it easier for you to oversee all of the activity on your WordPress blogs.So, now you’ve seen in a nutshell how useful and effective a WordPress Manager is as a WordPress management tool and blog management program, I suggest that you try it out for yourself.

What Is Digital Marketing?

When we use the word “Digital Marketing”, we are actually referring to online marketing efforts from a brand.Therefore, if you are asking what is Digital Marketing (DM), here is your answer:This is a practice in Business through which advertising messages are delivered through online channels such as websites, mobile apps, search engines, social media and emails. It helps a brand generate interest in their products among their consumers.Though DM started gaining popularity in the year 2000. In the last couple of years it has revolutionised marketing communication.In a real sense:It is brand messaging (Advertisements) delivered through electronic channels such as Television, Radio, Internet etc. Electronic channels generate, store and transmit data in the series of the number 0 or 1.Therefore,It can happen both Online and Offline.If the above is true, thenIt existed ever since Guglielmo Marconi sent first wireless signals in 1896.Isn’t that crazy!However, the simple definition of DM does not say enough about the practice of digital marketing in today’s world.This meaning is useless as technology is just the enabler of digital marketing. So let us understand what exactly digital marketing is?What is Digital Marketing in Today’s Context?In today’s context:It is a set of interactive marketing promotion activities which are done online. These activities help an individual or organization reach its target audience and achieve its business & financial objectives.Therefore when we say digital marketing, we are essentially referring to Online Digital Marketing.The other form of DM is offline digital marketing, which happens on other electronic devices such as Radio or Television.I know you are not here to read about radio or TV, so I will spare you (though I have invested millions of dollars on Offline marketing during my career).Going forward in this article when I say “DM”, I am actually referring to “Online Digital marketing”, as that is what you intend to read here, right?

It is a set of marketing activities and not just one activity.

It is Interactive and not just one way. It enables two-way communication and is much more engaging compared to the other marketing methods. Interactivity is what distinguishes it from advertising on Television, which is also electronic but not interactive.

It happens online. What it essentially means is that the activity is carried out on the Internet or telecom networks. Though it happens online, it can empower both the virtual or offline world. An example of DM in the virtual or online world is email marketing or social media marketing or search engine marketing. In the colloquial sense when we say digital marketing we refer to virtual or online marketing only. An example of this in the offline world is the use of tablets to showcase product offerings at a retail store.

It helps an individual or organization. It is useful not only for large companies but also for individuals as well, unlike TV or newspaper advertising. One can take advantage of digital advertising on small budgets as well.

It helps reach and engage the target audience. It is focused, and one can use multiple targeting methods to reach their audience.

It helps achieve business and financial objectives. It is measurable & ROI driven. It helps achieve business & financial goals.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any further info!